Tag Archive | Acting

Getting “work” done

I did it!

By “work” I mean Botox and Juverderm. Yup, I did it. Had the opportunity to try it for FREE and wasn’t passing that chance up! A friend works at a cosmetic spa and asked if I’d be willing to try some services and report back on them as a secret shopper. Would I? She didn’t have to ask me twice! The funny thing is if she had asked a couple years ago I would have laughed at her – Botox?? Pleeeease! But you know what, I’ve noticed I’m looking older tired and why not a get a boost? It’s not a full out face lift and I just got home about an hour ago and already I notice a subtle difference around my eyes. No more bags. Thank you Juvederm! The needles around my eyes were a little freaky, I have to admit I was somewhat terrified with each pin prick sensation but I managed to hold it together. After the doctor finished with one eye, she help a mirror so I could see the effects – it was cool to see my one eye all dark and tired an my other all fresh and youthful. It took effect pretty immediately. I do have slight bruising but was told that will fade. I got about 20 Botox needles all over my forehead, between my eyebrows and around the outer corners of my eyes and the effects of that will take a few days to notice. It looked like I had a bunch of mosquito bites but they settled down after about a half hour.

I’m going for a refreshed look rather than a rigid Nicole Kidman effect and so far I have to say I’m really happy with what I see! Who knew! I can’t lie down a for a few hours, have to sleep on my back over the next few days and no gym today so overall a pretty easy experience. Sure hope I book somethng that pays well soon cuz me thinks I may have a new addiction!….sigh


Wasn’t I just complaining about the July Blahs? Ya…that was me…then I booked a sweet gig – national OOH and web commercial. Spent the day on set shooting and posing and shooting some more then waiting then shooting then waiting and waiting…all of this in crazy July temperatures…did I mention this was outdoors? And a wedding scene? But it was a ton of fun even if I did get a sunburn. Ya…outdoor shoot with no sunscreen…not so smart. My face will be on billboards and transit ads nationally. Booyah! July whaaaaat?

The July Blahs

I have been an actress now for almost 3 years. It has definitely been a roller coaster ride. Highs and lows and loops and screams and sighs of relief. But it also has been very trying. It’s tough to get up everyday with a “yahhh let’s enjoy not having any auditions or any work!” I left a pretty damn decent paying job to pursue my dream and sometimes I wonder if I need serious therapy. Especially in the summer months when everything wraps and goes quiet. The July Blahs. I have them and they suck. Impatience sets in. But also creativity. Like how to market myself better or researching new classes. Also researching new revenue streams so I can attend those classes. So I’m giving the July Blahs the finger! You should too!

The not demo reel

The joys of the demo reel. A 2 or 3 minute compilation of clips to showcase your awesome acting ability. Every actor needs one. Or do they? I met a guy recently who lives in my building – we kept running into each other in the gym or laundry room and inevitably this led to the “so what do you do?” convo, where we learned we are both pursuing an acting career. He asked if I’d mind taking a look at his demo reel he just put together with the help “from this sick video guy who does this for actors, you should sooo check him out!” He sent me the link and I gave it a watch.

Within 3 seconds I realized this “sick video guy” had led this poor actor astray. This was not a demo reel. This was a montage of weird clips of said actor running along the boardwalk while air punching a la Rocky, then him in a hallway brandishing a very fake-looking gun pretending to be all secret agent as he peered around doorways, then an attempt at a break dancing number…a really bad one ( bending down while screwing up your face and throwing what I guess are gang hand sign attempts is NOT break dancing), and finally a shot of him sitting on a chair and laughing out loud at something funny…maybe realizing he’s been had. In between all this “acting” words would flash across the screen – “committed” and “focused” I managed to read as they flashed pretty quickly. Oh this poor guy.

So now what? I decided to take the honest road and explained that this was not a demo reel and emailed him some examples of actual demo reels as a guideline. (Why hadn’t he done this himself??) I got back a terse “thanks for your input” reply. Haven’t seen him in the gym or laundry room. What can ya do? But it just goes to show you how actors can easily be taken advantage of if they don’t know what they are doing. People everywhere want to sell you their classes, get you to use their headshot services, edit your demo reel and everything in between. But before you hand over your hard earned cash, do yourself a favour and do some RESEARCH. I don’t know how much this “sick video guy” charged for this piece of crap but it was way too much in my opinion.


Super Shy

Sooo in reading my usual message boards this week I came across an interesting post. It was in reference to a popular column on Backstage, by Secret Agent Man, an anonymous agent who likes to tell it like it is, which I love! Anyhow, he wrote about the scary agent meeting, which I don’t actually find to be scary. I’ve been to many job interviews, I’ve spoken to people, heck, I’m an ACTOR, I speak for a living. But one comment made me go hmmm. All the advice was “be yourself” or “be fun and be genuine” or things of that nature. Common sense really. But what about the introverts. One reader actually said she is naturally super shy and very introverted in social settings. And I know people like that. They exist. They aren’t dumb or snobs, they are actually really shy and quiet around people. That’s just who they are. So it made me think even more about how on earth those types of people make it in an industry that is all about talking. Back when I first thought about taking acting classes, a few advertised their classes for the aspiring actor, duh, but some also advertised “helping overcome public speaking fears” or “how to better present yourself” as great reasons to take an acting class. And I thought ya, that’s actually a smart move for folks who have a hard time getting up in front of people and talking. And I really don’t know where I’m going with this. But it made me wonder about that person who said she didn’t have a great agent meeting because she’s shy. Let’s face it, acting involves speaking and being around LOTS of people all the time. Have you been on a film set? Sorry to say but it is not a profession for the quiet and shy.

To support or not support

Everyone who has wanted to be an actor has heard someone ask if they are sure about it, if they really think they’ll be successful, is it the right decision, etc. It’s not an easy career to choose. There is no straight line. There is no school course, then internship then a guaranteed job. You do it because you love it and you do it because you have to. Every actor understands that “thing” inside them that propels them forward. And when you have friends and family that believe in you and and support you and your choice, it’s amazing. But among those supporters there are always those people that just don’t get it and think you’re crazy for walking away from that great day job and the security of a regular pay cheque. I mean heck, I even had second thoughts and still do! I see my friends buy that new handbag or take that amazing vacation and I think “shit, have I made a mistake?” It’s human to have doubts. But I get over it pretty darn quickly as soon as I turn on the TV or watch a movie and get filled with that feeling of “I want to do THAT.”

But what do you do when you don’t have supporters or worse you think you have supporters and then learn that they in fact don’t believe in you at all? That happened to me recently and at first I just shrugged it off. But it’s been a few days now and I realize it’s actually bothering me. Not because this person doesn’t support me or believe in me, but the fact that they have been pretending to. They’ve smiled and said congrats when I got an audition, they ask and pretend to be interested in my career progress when they really couldn’t care less. And that sucks. So be in or be out. Believe or don’t believe. Support or don’t support. But don’t fake it. That’s so lame.