Archive | April 2009

Colds, Ikea, auditions and leaks


If only this was my office...

You would think that lying in bed all day, everyday, sick with a cold would enable a few blog posts. Alas, the complete opposite. I’ve been catching up on TV, sleep and seeing how many cups of tea one can drink in one day. (Note: I got up to 10 cups) Basically, I’ve been leading a very slacker life.  And I have to admit, I love it.  I wish my bills could magically get paid, so until I figure that small detail out, I have to pay homage “to the man” by seeking work, any work, that requires the least amount of work, in order to lead this life of leisure that I am quite fond of.

The good thing about being home so much is I suddenly notice every small thing that needs repair or fixing up around the house. Ikea is my new best friend. In the past month I’ve bought a dresser, wardrobe, shelves, storage boxes, towels, hangers, and even lint brushes.  I still need to go back and get more! I swear my place is starting to look like an Ikea showroom!

The last major rainfall saw a huge water bubble forming on my bedroom ceiling and so now I have repair guys coming to hack down part of the wall to fix the drywall. Why do I have the feeling that this is going to turn into a larger job?? Luckily, the dresser I want to buy for that wall has not been purchased…yet.

The other flip side to being home so much is I now have free time to help my acting agent out and scan every possible acting site, blog, etc., in search of audition opportunities to build up my resume.  Sadly, I haven’t yielded much.  Most are freebies or student films, which is a great way to build up that resume, but the roles haven’t been jumping out at me and it seems most want full or partial nudity – no thanks. I did take an amazing class with two awesome CD’s, Brian Levy and Ron Leach and I highly recommend their class to anyone in the biz. I learned more from their 2 day class than I did at a full summer course I took.

a life of leisure is so exhausting...

a life of leisure is so exhausting...

And that in a nutshell is what I have been upto.  This week looks as though I may actually have some freelance PR work coming my way so that should be fun! I will keep you posted. Until then, happy leisuring!!

A Fresh addiction

Seriously fresh

Seriously fresh

After checking into the fabulous boutique Adara Hotel in Whistler last season I decided to take a quick shower to freshen up.  Normally I don’t pay too much attention to hotel bath products but the crisp and fashionable bottles and packaging caught my eye.  After unscrewing the cap on the body wash I was immediately in love with the refreshing lemony scent that invaded my senses.  And thus an addiction was born.  Fresh Beauty is now my weakness, especially their Sugar Lemon line.  I challenge you to try NOT to love them!  I want to shower all day just so I can lather myself in lemony goodness!  I always find Sephora is in full stock, not sure where else it is sold. Let me know if you know of other locations in the Toronto area.

hello and welcome

hello world!

hello world!

I’ve decided to enter the blogosphere…I’m already on Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Twitter, still have an active account on Neopets and Habbo Hotel (seriosuly I do – I like the games on Neopets!)  So welcome to my world – hope you enjoy the ride.  I’m not an economist, professional blogger or social media master, I’m just your average everyday girl. I’m the mom to 2 crazy teens and upto recently have been working full time in the PR world.  My career got derailed a bit when I landed a pretty cool gig on a movie and now I’m trying to decide to continue in PR or try something new like acting – I kinda got the bug.  Not the best time due to today’s workplace, but I have an incredibly supportive family so I am spoiled with a little more time to figure things out than most I think.  I have a few freelance PR clients who keep me busy and pay my bills so I’m very lucky and blessed with a touch of charm, thus the blog title.