Archive | September 2, 2012

Baby bird is leaving the nest

Too cute for university

Well, it’s official. As of tomorrow I will be an empty-Nester. Packing my son all day today and still so much to do. How does an 18 year old boy have so much stuff?? This university res room of his better have a walk-in closet because I have no idea where he’s putting all his clothes! The good thing is all this packing is distracting me from the thought of my baby leaving home. Earlier today I was walking back from the mall after picking up MORE things for him to bring (laundry detergent, face wash, toothpaste, etc.) when I was overcome with the thought of him leaving and I actually burst into tears. In public. On the street. Thank GAWD for dark sunglasses!! Never mind I’m leaving as well in a couple months to head down to LA to pursue an acting career. I’ll probably cry then too. Because the other emotional side of my move is I won’t be a quick subway ride from my oldest, my daughter, who I am also very, very close with. Even though she moved out a couple years ago, I still see her at least 3 times a week for dinners out, shopping or just hanging out sessions. So be prepared for another emotional blog posting. I now have to go distract myself again by cooking dinner….the last dinner my son and I will share in this apartment….where’s the tissue?…I’m a mess…